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No more requirements

Put a structure around your project, streamline your changes, bring visibility & control to your requirements.

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Configure with confidence

Easy Customization. Configure your project to suit your process.

Flexible Requirement Types

TraceCloud lets you create Requirement Types to suit yours needs. A Systems Engineering project may need a different structure than a Transportation / Civil Engineering project .

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Flexible Folder Structure

Within your requirement type, you can define a folder / sub folder hierarchy to suit your needs. With this model you can categorize your requirements for better organization and easier management.

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Flexible Roles and Permissions

You can define Roles and give these roles permissions to act on folders. A user can be a member of many roles and gets the privileges of all the roles he / she is a member of.

Since you can set permissions at a folder / sub folder level you can mix & match settings to get powerful combinations

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Import from Excel

We realize that Excel is a common way to manage / share requirements. We make it easy to import your Excel files into TraceCloud.

The system lets you map your Excel columns into Attributes for your Requirement Types and make it easy to get started

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Generate Reports & Bulk Update

TraceCloud makes it easy to generate complex reports. You can specify complex filter conditions and choose what to display and how to sort. There are pre-built filter conditions to identify Orphan, Dangling, Suspect and Incomplete requirements.

Once the report is generated you can choose to export it to Excel, Word or PDF.

TraceCloud also lets you perform bulk operations (Copy, Move, Update attributes, Perform Approval action, Clear Traces etc...) on these datasets.

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Connect / Trace

You can connect requirements to one another. This give you the ability to see relationships across the project.

You can also easily figure out Dangling (no downstream), Orphan (no upstream) and Suspect (out of sync) requirements.

The system is able to build multi level tree charts and as each team connects their work, the network continues to grow. As the network grows everyone benefits.

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Trace Matrix

TraceCloud lets you build a matrix of relationships between requirements in different folders. This is an easy way to visualize the relationships between different teams and quickly identify Dangling, Orphan and Suspect requirements.

In some applications, you will need to submit a Trace Matrix for auditing purposes. TraceCloud lets you easily export your matrix to an Excel format.

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Trace Tree

TraceCloud lets you build a report representing a multi level hierarchical relationship.

You can build Trees upto 10 levels deep and these dynamic reports can show relationship status across many teams. This helps you see how a requirement has evolved as it traversed each layer.

You can build meta-reports using data from requirements of different type and identify gaps in your systems.

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Owner Dashboard

Every requirement in TraceCloud has a single owner. Each user gets their own customized dashboard.

This dashboard gives visibility to Traceability Metrics (Dangling, Orphan, Suspect Up, Suspect Down), Approval Metrics (Draft, In Approval Flow, Rejected, Approved), Testing and Completion Metrics. It also keeps the user aware of their pending actions.

So, even if the project is large and complex, every user just needs to just pay attention to their dashboard and the whole project proceeds smoothly.

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Folder Dashboard

TraceCloud give you built-in Folder level dashboards. Since you are likely to organize your requirements within a type by Folders & Sub folders, a folder level dashboard lets see track progress of that section of work.

You can track your Traceability, Approval work flow, Testing and Completion metrics using this dashboard

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Approval Workflow

You can configure a specific approval work flow for each of your folders.

For examples, for your Customer Requested changes requirement type, Customer A folder, you can send it for approval from a 'Customer A Engagement team' and for Customer B send it to 'Customer B Engagement team'.

The system lets you set up multi level approval flows and has a built in reminder, tracking and logging systems. .

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You can take a snapshot of your requirements at a point in time and store them as Baselines.

For Example, for Customer A, you have made a commitment on Jan 1st 2021. You can make a baseline of all the requirements for Customer A on Jan 1st. You can then use the dashboard to track progress of requirements in this baseline, compare changes since then, or even compare against other baselines .

This is a critical feature for Systems, Medical devices , Aerospace and large scale infrastructure projects

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Global Requirements & Re-Use of Requirements

When you are working with multiple projects, you may want to standardise on common best practices.

For example, you may have common security and compliance requirements. You may want to share these common requirements, by first vetting them in one place and once validated publishing them for downstream projects. TraceCloud supports complex Product Family Engineering concepts like Global Requirements and Requirements re-use. You can publish baselines of requirements that can be re-used across projects. You can package & publish sets of baselines into a Product Family and downstream projects can get started by importing these baselines. .

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Version History & Audit Trail

TraceCloud holds on to the version history of every requirement from the time it is created. You can define which events dictate the creation of new versions.

Change-Log on the other hand is created any time ANY change is made to the requirement . For example, when you move the requirement, modify the requirement, trace to the requirement, clear the requirement, comment on the requirement etc..

TraceCloud gives you a reporting tool based on the Change-Log that lets you build audit trails based on Folders, Users, Date Range of changes and Type of changes. .

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